An Explanation of the Levels of Updating during the Week
Stress Week- one update, always on Mondays. This is under extreme
circumstances of high stress, usually related to school or personal life.
Slow Week- two updates, on Monday and Friday. This is when stress level
is slightly greater then usual, or when comic for the time is unusually
highly detailed (will explain greater when I reach this portion)
Regular Week- Three Updates, this should be about average. Especially
since I'm in school. Postings will be on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
Fast Week- Four Updates (see a pattern here?). On Monday, Wednesdays,
Fridays, and Sundays. This is when I get a little free time on my hands and
am able to scribble a lot out, and when the comic is rather easy to do.
Greyhound Week- Five Updates, On Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
and Sunday. These will be rather rare, as usually if I have that much free
time, I will draw ahead. Especially if I have finals coming up.
Lightning Week- Six Updates. All through out the week, using sunday as my
day of rest (and to get ready for following week!) This will likely only
happen during the summer or during breaks.
Ludicrus week- ok, so I stole this off of space balls. Yes, this is seven
updates and will likely never happen.
Irregular Week- in conjunction with above named weeks, except for its usually
irregular due to a holiday. In this case, take nearest named day and change it
over to date of holiday. IE- A regular week with a holiday on friday, instead of
updating on Saturday that comic will be updated on Friday. Get it? Although it
won't be for a while when they are messing with holidays, since a lot of their worlds
don't celebrate the same holidays that we do.
Extreme Stress Week- When I am under extreme stress and I don't know when the
hell the comic will be updated. Usually, under these conditions, the comic will be
posted at random.