The Vortron
So we’ve gone over the classification of worlds and realities, affects of time travel and different aspects of Visitors. Now the question might arise, what is the Vortron and how does it relate all of these?
As mentioned before, the Vortron is a gateway between these, it interlocks them and connects them, a bridge or a door that links them. As such, the Vortron is a very susceptable gateway. If beings that traverse the Vortron into other worlds abuse this power, they can wreck a lot of damage. Hence the need for a Guardian, otherwise known as a Keeper. Creature is currently the Keeper as this story goes, he wasn’t the first and he won’t be the last. However, as Guardian, he needs his own section.
A quick note, the Vortron is not the only tool that can be used to travel amidst time and realities, it's just happens to be one that can be used in this manner.
The Vortron is a fickle being. It is neither good nor evil, it has no gender and really, it has no set appearance, taking whatever appearance it feels like taking (the vortron is very fond of Pop-Icons). The Vortron has godlike powers, seeing as it can see infinite amounts of realities and what different choices and possibilities result in over the course of time. This does not make the Vortron God. The only time it has influence is within its realm, which is that of the gateway itself. It also has influence over the realms which are visited by the Guardian, which will be explored with the section that explains the role of the guardian.
For one, The Vortron does not like Visitors. In fact, it doesn’t like Guardians either. As such it will do all in its power to remove such from its realm. However, being a gateway between worlds and time, in the Vortron time does not quite exist as it does on a concrete world. As such, The Vortron has all the time in the eons to remove its guardian, which is a slightly more difficult project then removing a mere visitor. If a visitor were to happen onto the Vortron by mistake, the Vortron would likely just kick them back into their own reality which they came, as traveling amidst worlds does take energy that the Vortron is not willing to part with. If a Visitor happened to come prepared, they might actually get somewhere, however they still have to move quickly or else deal with the Vortron kicking them out where ever it feels the need too. And the Visitor might find themselves in a situation in which they would rather not be.
To travel using the Vortron most successfully, one should try not to stay there for very long. The quicker one is, the more apt they are to get to a place they wish to go. Of course, to use the Vortron, one must follow some very simple rules.
One must have a knowledge of its existence. If they transpire onto it without knowing what it is before hand, they’ll likely not get anywhere.
A certain amount of magical or technological ability, depending on what kind of world they come from. Without it, well, like above, they won’t get very far as the Vortron will likely kick them out again.
No Guardian. Usually, a Guardian leaves the gate unguarded when he is on the same world as the person wishing to use the Vortron. In most instances, the gateway is always guarded. This will be explored in detail when we go into the Guardian.
The Guardian willing to allow a Visitor to travel with them. This does not guarantee that the Visitor will not get kicked out, it just means that the Visitor better stay close to the Guardian to prevent from getting kicked out.
So far, the exception to this has been Ockie, and would apply to any non-sentient beings. The Vortron does not mind their presence, just as long as the Guardian keeps tabs on them. Ockie could not stay behind in the Vortron while Creature and Splash decided to travel, the Vortron wouldn’t allow it. However, if Creature and Splash take Ockie with them, they have to have him with them to return to the Vortron. Otherwise, well, they’re stuck. Unless Ockie of course, were to die. And we will find out here shortly that Ockie is a very hardy individual that is hard to kill. Hence, why the Vortron does not mind his existence.
I guess I should clarify this. Beings within the Vortron are Immortal. As long as they stay in the Vortron, they can’t age and they can’t die. Now, if they leave the Vortron, that’s another thing altogether. The only exception to this?
“But, Ockie killed that other Kippa in the Vortron! What about that?”
They’re both from the same world. Beings from the same world within the Vortron can act in the same manner, it’s just that, well, both of them can’t die. However, one can kill the other, or in Ockie’s case, can feast on the other. However, this has to take place relatively soon, as both Ockie and the other Kippa were still connected to their homeworld. The longer they are in the Vortron, the further they disconnect away from the vortron.
“But you just said. . .”
The rules between Sentient and non-sentient beings differ. Especially when a Guardian is involved. Ockie wouldn’t be able to travel to the Vortron on his own. A sentient being, however, with complex thoughts and imagination, has the ability to create worlds, thus once they leave their homeworld, they leave it. Unless of course, they arrived by accident and the Vortron boots them off of its realm.
A note about worlds being visited. There haven’t been infinite amounts of Keepers, in fact, there have been relatively few. There haven’t been swarms of Visitors either, most people when wandering to different worlds take another mode of travel. However, when each individual travels through the Vortron, the world and reality in which they came is a bit more easily accessed. As is the World and Reality they visit. Such as the case with the Keeper. Every world the keeper visits makes it that much easier to visit it again. However, with the Keeper, it is also easy to return to the Vortron.
The Vortron, being the entity that it is, can never leave it’s realm. However it sees everything that transpires so why would it need to?
Didn’t I say that at times this would get confusing?
The Keeper of The Vortron
For purposes regarding this subject, I will refer to Creature as the Keeper, even though Snow is a Keeper as well. Much of this topic contains Spoilers, just to let you know. Spoilers are noted, and you will not get to see them. Sorry.
As mentioned previously, The Guardian follows a different set of rules then any Travelers would. It is very important to remember this fact. There is also a limit in what worlds the Guardian, in this case Creature, can visit.
Item one, Creature nor his Companion Splash (whose role I will also go into at a further date, just know that Splash is a perfect Companion) can visit the past of their homeworld up to the moment they entered it as Guardian and Companion, though they can visit the moment after they entered the Vortron onward following the Reality in which they entered it.
Item two: They cannot enter a reality in which they exist. Period. It is not that they won’t take the form of themselves, it’s just that, well, they can’t take the appearance of themselves. They just can’t go to a world where they exist. Hence, their past is guarded from them, as is every reality in which they exist. Lovely.
Item Three: Creature and Splash don’t create new realities. Hence why they can’t visit their past. When they enter a world, that reality in which they enter will continue on its present course instead of branching off like before, except for, well, they are in it.
Item Four: No new realities are created when Creature and Splash are in that existing world. Why? Because each new reality would lead to subsequent realities and henceforth each would carry both Creature and Splash. However, there can only be one Keeper. As long as Creature is Keeper, there can only be one of him. Unlike a visitor, who can spread off into infinite different people. That just means no new realities while Creature is on the world. Which means fate somewhat steps in. This dilemma is scene largely in Todd’s Reality.
Because I am a nice and thoughtful person, I have illustrated this, as this is the same diagram that Todd illustrated. (#1) is a reality, any reality that Creature and Splash happen to visit. (#2) is the various realities branching off into various different directions as they are prone to do. (#3) is the point in which Creature and Splash enter this reality. (#4) is the period of time in which they exist in this reality, as you can see, there are no lines branching off. (#5) is when they leave, and as such, realities begin to merge once again. The question comes up, what is going on with Todd’s Reality? How can they visit him in his past? I will get to that, just not right now.
Item Five: Creature and Splash always visit every reality as themselves. Unlike Visitors, who can take on appearances of other people and often times find themselves becoming that person, Creature and Splash just can’t. They are always them.
Item Six: Creature and Splash don’t acquire any new abilities. They can just discover abilities that they already have. Being attached to the Vortron in the way that they are, they don’t need to acquire any new abilities anyway, they got plenty on hand. Going into these abilities and discovering them is largely what this comic is about.
Item Seven: what makes a Keeper? Not everyone can be a Keeper, and attaining the position is somewhat tricky. Since this is largely what the comic is about, this Question is to remain rather vague and unanswered.
Item Eight: The Guardian is Immortal. To an extent. The only place where he loses his immortality is on his homeworld. He also would lose his immortality if he happened to get kicked out of his position, which would require him to do an act that would get him kicked out of his position, but then again, that would open up a whole new can of worms. The third cause for losing ones immortality is to blend in. Which would require Creature to take on a form that is not native to him.
The Trick with the Companion
The role of the companion is actually not entirely necessary. Usually, however, the presence of a Companion often keeps the Keeper in his place a lot easier. The Companion shares a duel role with the Keeper in that she too, is a guardian as well. However, a good Companion does not make a good Keeper, as it is the same with the other way around. A note about the Companion though.
In order for the Guardian to leave the Vortron, he must be in agreement with his Companion. Sometimes he can over ride her, but that makes leaving that much more difficult.
The Companion is linked to the Guardian though, it is not the other way around. As such, Splash derives her powers from Creature, regardless of how powerful she was before she took the role of Companion (and Splash was pretty damn powerful!)
For the time being, this essay ends here. I spent a while writing it and now my brain is fried. If
I left any questions hanging, and you are rather interested in where I took this whole issue, feel free
to Email me and tell me what you thought.