An Essay On The Vortron

The Vortron. A Gateway between Time, Dimensions, even Worlds. There are many rules and regulations surrounding the Vortron, and as such, often times these rules need to be explained to help one understand what is in power here.
Warning: things might get a little confusing. Keep aspirin near by, I needed it when writing this.

Classes of Realities
Classes of Worlds
The Third Factor, Time
The Vortron
The Keeper of the Vortron
The Trick with the Companion
(to be added too, as this essay is still under construction)

Classes of Realities

The Vortron is gateway to infinite worlds and realities. However, these are classified into different strengths, such as dominant worlds to recessive realities within the world. This is all based on chance. For an example, I will use a world we are all familiar with, that of Earth.

With any one human being, every moment offers infinite possibilities, infinite chances. This world does not work by fate, it is a world of chance. Take for instance, the simple act of waking up in the morning. By choosing to wake up at 7 when one is supposed to, instead of hitting the snooze button for that extra ten minutes, is a simple offering of two choices. Another choice would be to take the alarm clock altogether and slam it against the wall, and going back to sleep, thus eliminating the catalyst required to be sure you wake up on time. Three possibilities, all lead to various conclusions. By waking up at 7 you arrive to work on time and thus are on the boss’s good side. You sleep in a little to long and arrive late, which the boss takes note of. Or you skip work entirely and lose your job. Each offering gives a different road, which offers more possibilities. By arriving on time on a continual basis, the boss might decide to give you a raise, perhaps promote you, or maybe do nothing. By arriving late, the boss might dock points against you, maybe counsel you, or again, do nothing. By not arriving at all, well, you get the picture. Each choice offers another choice, which offers another choice, which offers yet another choice. It is continuous.

With Realities, however, it isn’t just your choices in affect, but the choices made by other individuals as well, therefore offering infinite amounts of possibilities spawned by just one moment. However, the degree of these different possibilities, from here on termed realities, vary. From hence on forward, we will look at the chart, which is simplified to help make more sense. .

(# 1) represents the dominate reality, the reality that we are at the moment following. Every point on that line has offered up infinite other possibilities, all of which branch out, some farther then others. For illustrative purposes, the thickness of the line represents the degree of importance the reality holds, or rather, how different it is from the dominant reality.
(#2) represents realities that have branched off from the dominant reality. The less dominant reality only affects a few people, therefore not straying far from the dominant reality. The more dominant the reality is, the more people are affected by that reality by the choices of the people existing within that reality.
(#3) represents a reality that strayed so far off course that it doesn’t resemble the dominant reality, becoming in itself a dominant reality. For example, what would the world be like if World War 2 was lost? Likely, we would all be speaking German right now with monuments to Hitler everywhere. Not a pretty picture. Such as it is, it is a reality that affects everyone on earth. Dominant Realities spawning from a world often transpires due to Wars and major events and such.
(#4) represents realities spawning from lesser realities, or even that of a dominant Reality. As is apparent, as time goes, realities branch off more and more.
(#5), although only depicted once in this chart, represents a slightly common occurrence. A choice we have made does not offer such a startling drastic change from the dominant reality. As such, in the future, it eventually merges back into the main reality. This is often leads to thoughtful memory loss and confusion as somebody tries to recount what exactly happened and can’t remember if they had made one choice or the other, when in fact two seperate existences of themselves merged back into one.

The classes of the world varies. We have been introduced to the term Dominant Reality. This reality in fact doesn’t quite exist, it is made up of infinite minor realities that are so similar to one another that they follow the same course and inevitably the same outcome, therefore giving the appearance of a larger reality. These weave in and out of one another and often merge with each other, especially when two realities are so similar that for instance, the only choices that have differed is what two people made across the world that will never in time face one another and will never directly impact the other. It is often described as destiny, the path we are meant to walk. As such, these infinite minor realities are lumped together into one known as the Dominant Reality, also known as a Class One Reality. In any given world, depending on how long that world has been around or the class of the world itself, there are perhaps hundreds or Thousands of Dominant realities in existence, or only as few as a dozen.

Subdominant realities are lesser realities that have veered far enough off the course of the dominant reality to be viewed as their own. They follow many of the same rules of the Dominant Reality, and can be linked to the Dominant Reality in which they are branched off of. One can take note of a reality that was branched off of World War 2 being won by the Allies, as opposed to the opposite. These fall under Class 2 and 3, depending on how many minor Realities are influenced by them. They are usually occured by instances that affect many people, but perhaps not the entire world. An influential person, such as a president, can spawn Class two or three realities, or an event. For instance, what would the world be like if JFK had not been assassinated? For one, we would likely have less schools named for him. Dominant realities form out of Class 2 realities, if the ball gets rolling fast enough.

Class 4 and 5 realities are spawned by smaller acts. They act in the same manner and sometimes branch off of Subdominant realities, or even each other. Their parent reality is obvious.

Class 6 Realities are spawned by perhaps only a few people, their affects only felt by those affected and maybe some outside of that circle. Class 6 Realities sometimes stand on their own, but often are closely linked to a dominant or subdominant reality.

Class 7 realities are affected at the individual level. These often weave in and out of the larger realities. They to branch off, and sometimes they branch into a larger reality (the affects of one person over the lives of thousands, celebrities for instance). Often times, they are the ones that stray from the larger path and merge back in at a later date.

Class 8 realities are most common, and extremely rare to visit individually, as they are often linked to larger realities. They are due to subconscious decisions whose affects are not entirely apparent. These often weave in and out of the larger realities and very rarely hold their own, usually linked to at least a Class 7 reality.

Classes of Worlds

Now that we understand how the Reality works, it is time to continue onto various classes of Worlds, or rather Universes, as often the worlds are conglomerated into many under one class. Such as the earth is part of a solar system which is part of the Milky Way Galaxy which is part of the Universe, and if you believe in aliens, you believe that there are other worlds out there that hold life.

First of all, before I get to far and sound like I’m rambling, there are two basic types of worlds that follow rules. Worlds of Science and Worlds of Magic. Sometimes they intercept (think Star Wars).

Worlds of Science follow the principals of science, technology for instance. Gravity and the laws that make it function. Worlds that are powered by the machine and the principals of Physics. Sometimes these worlds share some aspects of the realm of magic, but their rules and laws primarily deal in the realm of Science.

Worlds following Magic generally share in common some aspects of Science, but not necessarily. They deal with that which is magic, things that are impossible according to scientists. The ability to fly without wings, or to cast a fireball from the will of ones mind. Some worlds deal so far into the realm of Magic that they become surreal, there is no science involved. These are often dream worlds.

Worlds can follow other rules too, but these are the primary worlds that we will worry ourselves about. Hopefully everyone understands the difference between the two because I wish to go over them very vaguely so as not to bore the reader.

Now that we have gone over types of Worlds, I shall now go over what spawns them. Worlds can be concrete, such as that which is Earth. However, to classify other worlds would leave one scratching their head when it comes to the substance that makes Earth a world. Other worlds can be developed from ones imagination, dreams, movies, books, even insanity. As such, it is important to classify Worlds as it is to classify realities within worlds.

Class One World is a Dominant World, however that doesn’t hold the same meaning as it does for the reality. Dominant Worlds are only called that because they have so many realities spawned out of their world, as well as different dimensions that can be classified as worlds (in the literary sense). Some Dominant realities within worlds become so abstract and surreal that they become worlds in their own right and cease to no longer be considered part of the world in which it was spawned. I’ll go into this later. Earth would be considered a Dominant World. Some dominant worlds are so powerful that they transcend into other dimensions and worlds. Hence, the world we see existing in Books is in fact real in another dimension. (I would have fun with this if it weren’t for the damn copyright laws existing)

I would take Middle Earth as an example of this, a world I would see as a dominant world, in the literary sense, it has spawned many novels as people have used the basic structure of a fantasy world with Dragons and Elves, etc, which has spawned an entire genre.

Class Two Worlds (subdominant) are often spawned out of dominant worlds, however they hold more clout then Dominant Realities. Often times it is the question of the rules and laws that the parent world changed, thus creating a new world. A world of Science suddenly becoming a world of Magic. (Harry Potter anyone?)

Class Three Worlds are generally fictionalized worlds, more along the realm of books and such. They are not old worlds, sometimes they lack depth or imagination. Example, Zaret and his world would likely be considered a Class Three World, for reasons I need to go into at a later date.. These often are spurred from Movies as well, and Role Playing Games. (I’m thinking Zelda here, a game with a lot of story and a lot of depth)

Class Four Worlds do not spur a lot of realities, and often times come from a dominant world. Example, Video Games, and badly written fiction. Class Four Worlds are hard to describe, really.

Class Five Worlds are generally that of the imagination. Dreams and such, madness, and even very bad acid trips. Oregano was a Class Five World. They are often Surreal and can even break rules for both magic and science based worlds.

Class Six Worlds (not as many classes as Realities) are the last. They are also exceedingly rare, as they don’t spawn off into realities and only follow one. Usually, time is not a factor in a Class Six World. This is a realm of Madness. Class Five and Six worlds are very similar, and are both very rare to come across. They are also very dangerous, especially for that of a Guardian visiting. Class Six worlds are often negative, and if a Guardian of the Vortron ventures into one, they might find themselves in a situation where the rules of the Vortron in which he lives by no longer applies. We have not visited any Class Six worlds as of yet, and I can not think of any examples at this moment, but don’t worry. We will see one.

The difference in the Class of World is actually not all that important. However, it is important to understand the Guardian’s relationship with the different worlds, and the different worlds and their relationship with each other. The Guardian, in this case, Creature, follows a set of rules that he must abide by, most of which even he isn’t entirely familiar with. These rules stay very much the same for him, however some rules can be bent or broken depending on the world in which he visits. This also has to do a lot with Creature and his powers, and what he is capable of doing. This also gets involved with Visitors, which is just that, beings from other worlds visiting one and does not hold the position of Guardian. Ockie is an example of a Visitor. Visitors have their own laws and rules that they live by coming from world to world. These rules and laws that the Guardian and Visitors must follow will be explored more in full later.

The Third Factor, Time

Time is basically self explanatory, and it doesn’t fall into any classes or categories that realities and worlds do. However, it is important to go over this aspect as it is any other.

The Vortron is a gateway between Time, and as such, any traveler using the Vortron can go to any time in any one reality within any one world. Obviously, when one travels through time, they are traveling to a moment that will affect infinite realities from that time on. This in itself will not cause global catastrophe, however the potential for somebody to do harm is, hence the need for a Guardian (which keeps his place for many reasons.)

However, what will affect the outcome is traveling into one’s own past. A feat that is deemed impossible. One cannot travel back in time to their own past or the past that predates their existence, because any slight act may disrupt their conception at that precise moment and therefore make their existence impossible, except, how can they go back in time to disrupt their existence if they were never born? A loophole is created for anyone who attempts to do this, as once they head back in time, the reality in which they intervene branches off, creating a whole new set of realities different then the one they were originally traveling. Therefore, traveling through time is possible.

I have so generously illustrated such a feat happening (similar to that done in Back to The Future Series) (#1) Represents the current timeline that the individual (for the purposes of illustrating, you) is following (ignoring the branching off, as when looking at one timeline, regardless of its class, we have no need to bother with other realities that leave it) (#2) is the moment in which you travel back from the present into the past. (#3) is the badly drawn line taking you into your past at a precise moment (#4) that predates your birth (#5). (#6) is the pathway the world creates, a reality to prevent you from contaminating your own past and preventing your conception from taking place, as the smallest feat can accomplish this, which places a gigantic hole in the space time continuem. This does not guarantee that under the current timeline you now follow, you will be born. In fact, this timeline (#6) branches off just as it did before, carrying you and infinite amounts of you with it. Which doesn’t guarantee that you will make it back to the place you originally left, which makes one think traveling back and forth through time is really worth it. However,

Another fact I brought up, what if somebody visits their own past, or a reality in which they exist? Only under rare circumstances, usually involved in the Class Five or Six worlds, a world will support two of the same people at the same time. This can also be accomplished through various loopholes, but the loopholes are a big hassle, believe you me. One such loophole is illustrated above, you are on the current timeline (#6), you are unable to make it back to the point in which you left (#2), and your current path takes you to a point where in fact you end up being conceived just as you should be. The you from the previous reality (#1) and the you born in the current reality (#6) are both existing under the same reality.

I don’t know why I just went into that, as it is unimportant and we will not be seeing such a thing happen within this comic. Maybe to clarify a few questions, as some people might point fingers and say “Wait a minute!” And I don’t like loopholes that I can’t explain.

Back to the original question, however, of two of the same people existing under the same timeline. Only under the scenario given above, or in Class 5 or 6 worlds is this capable of happening, and never will it happen to the Guardian (because the guardian follows different rules then a mere rogue traveler, which I will go into detail at a later date) As such, something different happens completely.

Similar to the above outline, except this time, ignore (#5). If traveling back in time to a point in which you exist, you merely combine with the form of yourself that exists under that circumstance. If you go back into your own past of your own reality, it will branch off into another reality such as was illustrated above. And there is no guarantee that you will make it back to your own reality either, you may be stuck under this new reality for the rest of your life, and relive the same events that happened before. Some might look at this as a second chance, and as such, would be more then willing to go back into their own time and relive their own lives. I have often thought about this possibility, in fact, it fascinates me, which is why I bring it up. Will this be explored? Oh, definitely. Although when a Traveler travels with a Guardian, these things change a little. That will be explored later.

So then, what happens if you go to another completely different reality in which you exist? The same thing, you will combine with yourself in that reality and take on that person’s appearance and abilities. For instance, if you were a mild mannered individual who dressed conservatively, did no wrong, paid your taxes and so on and so forth, you might find yourself combining with an individual who has tattoos everywhere, is loud and obnoxious, and serving time for stealing cars. They might also know how to play the drums, something you didn’t know before. When these two individuals combine, two individuals who are in fact the same except for they have made different choices through their lives and such as resulted in different outcomes, their paths merge. However, the visitor dominates, and it is they who controls the body. This leads to confusion. Suddenly the mild mannered individual finds themselves overcome with their appearance, and their position, as they are in jail. They will remember everything from the body they have overtaken, except for, well, their personality still dominates. Sometimes the personality they have taken is so drastic and overcoming that they also take aspects of that. They might be so traumatized by what happens to them that they go into Madness.

Hence, it is not a good idea to go back to your own time. However, what about the Future?

The future is different, in that it doesn’t branch off, at least, not like the past does. It isn’t necessary. If you go into the future where you exist, the same thing happens, you will merge with yourself and enter your body. Your personality will dominate. However you will find that you are missing out, as it isn’t guaranteed that you will go back to your own time that you left. If you go into the future where you are no longer alive, or in a alternate future where you never existed, you visit that reality as yourself. If you go into your immediate future, the future that follows the reality your were previously on, if you don’t occupy your body, then you know you never made it back. That’s just a good excuse to stay where you are. But now I’m getting confused so I’ll no longer discuss traveling to the future.

Well, now a question might arise, “why is it I can go to a point but you say it doesn’t guarantee that I’ll make it back? What does that mean?” As previously pointed out, in any reality, unless it is a Class 7 or 8, (and even then branches off under certain circumstances), realities branch off. Under each reality carries infinite possibilities and each of these possibilities produce another reality, and each reality carries, for example, you. That means that there are infinite amounts of You existing in each of these realities. If you happen to jump from one reality to the next, this doesn’t stop these new realities from continuing to produce infinite amounts of you. If you were to use a tool such as the Vortron to do this, the Vortron only allows one individual to use it at a time, not multiple existences of the same individual. True, the existence you left continues to branch off, and the existence you find yourself in will branch off, so why can’t each branch head to another branch? Well, I can’t guarantee that you will find yourself that lucky. For one, that’s asking for a lot and really getting complicated. There are suddenly infinite amounts of you trying to come back to the world you just left, do you think all will be successful? No. Only a handful of the infinite amounts will be (and although each of these beings is you, it doesn‘t necessarily mean that it is YOU). The Vortron is a fickle being and trying to negotiate with it in this manner is a lost cause. The best advice? Don’t do it. But nobody here has anything to worry about, do we? I mean, this is all speculative and for the purposes of a webcomic for crying out loud. Its just kind of fun to think about.

One last question that might arise through travelers. What happens if you are so fortunate to be able to go to an alternate reality holding yourself, be that person for a short period of time, and come back to your reality? For one, the alternate you will give the ‘real’ you (real in a sense that not saying the alternate you isn’t real, just that this is the person that traveled to begin with) all abilities that you so happen to experience. Just because the alternate version of you can play the drums doesn’t mean that once you leave you will be able to play the drums as well, only if you played the drums as your alternate self would you be able to acquire this ability. Make sense? Your alternate appearance stays with your alternate self, your appearance before you merged will once again take hold. As for your alternate self, what happens to them? They are left slightly dazed with no recollection of what happened to them in the time you occupied their body. If you occupy their body for long periods of time, this might cause some trouble for them. If you are stuck as them, you will continue to live their life where you started it. Knowing their past and your own and trying to differentiate between the two might cause some confusion.

For the purposes of this webcomic, we will likely not go into this whole issue that much. This portion of the essay is provided for clarification. It also details the importance of a keeper. However, there is another issue that is much more important then traveling through time, which can be done without the Vortron if the right tools are present (or the right scenerio even), it is traveling through worlds.


Visitors are synonymous with Travelers in many ways except for one difference. They travel between worlds. Visitors can be called Travelers, but Travelers aren’t necessarily Visitors. Now to keep this simple, from this moment on, Visitors between worlds are referred to as such. Travelers are used in reference to one traveling to different times and realities through their own world.

As mentioned before, different worlds hold different rules regarding Visitors. The most prevalent visitor in this comic thus far is Ockie. Ockie doesn’t fall under certain rules for various reasons. One, he is an non-sentient being. He doesn’t think abstractly, he is merely an animal, a pet that goes by gut instincts, in his case, literally. If he ventures into the right world, a world in which in order for him to exist on it, he must change, it could change him into a thinking, sentient being. And then the rules change from that moment on. (Is that a spoiler, by any chance?) Also in affect with Ockie is the world he comes from, at this time only known as Zaret’s world. Zaret’s world lacks imagination, it is very closed minded. The realities based on his world a limited, it is likely they only carry few dominant realities within the one world. As such, because it is limited, the beings upon it are limited in what they can do and what abilities they can acquire.

So what happens to Sentient Beings? People who can think abstractly or come from very imaginative worlds?

One rule for all Visitors, you can not visit a world in which you can’t exist. For instance, a human visiting a world in which the air is made up primarily of Methane and no oxygen, well, that’s asking for trouble, isn’t it? The vortron will not let you continue to that world for that very reason. Such as it is, planets that don‘t support life are off limits to anyone, except perhaps the Guardian. Well, what if you as a human visit a world in which Humans don’t exist? Often times, the Vortron will contort your appearance to make you fit into that world. Or sometimes it won’t. This is a law that varies from world to world. Often times, you are just prone to standing out.

Like visiting your own reality where you exist, you may also find yourself taking the likeness of a being on another world as well. This ability too varies from world to world.

These will definitely be explored at a later date.

The Vortron

So we’ve gone over the classification of worlds and realities, affects of time travel and different aspects of Visitors. Now the question might arise, what is the Vortron and how does it relate all of these?

As mentioned before, the Vortron is a gateway between these, it interlocks them and connects them, a bridge or a door that links them. As such, the Vortron is a very susceptable gateway. If beings that traverse the Vortron into other worlds abuse this power, they can wreck a lot of damage. Hence the need for a Guardian, otherwise known as a Keeper. Creature is currently the Keeper as this story goes, he wasn’t the first and he won’t be the last. However, as Guardian, he needs his own section.

A quick note, the Vortron is not the only tool that can be used to travel amidst time and realities, it's just happens to be one that can be used in this manner.

The Vortron is a fickle being. It is neither good nor evil, it has no gender and really, it has no set appearance, taking whatever appearance it feels like taking (the vortron is very fond of Pop-Icons). The Vortron has godlike powers, seeing as it can see infinite amounts of realities and what different choices and possibilities result in over the course of time. This does not make the Vortron God. The only time it has influence is within its realm, which is that of the gateway itself. It also has influence over the realms which are visited by the Guardian, which will be explored with the section that explains the role of the guardian.

For one, The Vortron does not like Visitors. In fact, it doesn’t like Guardians either. As such it will do all in its power to remove such from its realm. However, being a gateway between worlds and time, in the Vortron time does not quite exist as it does on a concrete world. As such, The Vortron has all the time in the eons to remove its guardian, which is a slightly more difficult project then removing a mere visitor. If a visitor were to happen onto the Vortron by mistake, the Vortron would likely just kick them back into their own reality which they came, as traveling amidst worlds does take energy that the Vortron is not willing to part with. If a Visitor happened to come prepared, they might actually get somewhere, however they still have to move quickly or else deal with the Vortron kicking them out where ever it feels the need too. And the Visitor might find themselves in a situation in which they would rather not be.

To travel using the Vortron most successfully, one should try not to stay there for very long. The quicker one is, the more apt they are to get to a place they wish to go. Of course, to use the Vortron, one must follow some very simple rules.

One must have a knowledge of its existence. If they transpire onto it without knowing what it is before hand, they’ll likely not get anywhere.
A certain amount of magical or technological ability, depending on what kind of world they come from. Without it, well, like above, they won’t get very far as the Vortron will likely kick them out again.
No Guardian. Usually, a Guardian leaves the gate unguarded when he is on the same world as the person wishing to use the Vortron. In most instances, the gateway is always guarded. This will be explored in detail when we go into the Guardian.
The Guardian willing to allow a Visitor to travel with them. This does not guarantee that the Visitor will not get kicked out, it just means that the Visitor better stay close to the Guardian to prevent from getting kicked out.

So far, the exception to this has been Ockie, and would apply to any non-sentient beings. The Vortron does not mind their presence, just as long as the Guardian keeps tabs on them. Ockie could not stay behind in the Vortron while Creature and Splash decided to travel, the Vortron wouldn’t allow it. However, if Creature and Splash take Ockie with them, they have to have him with them to return to the Vortron. Otherwise, well, they’re stuck. Unless Ockie of course, were to die. And we will find out here shortly that Ockie is a very hardy individual that is hard to kill. Hence, why the Vortron does not mind his existence.

I guess I should clarify this. Beings within the Vortron are Immortal. As long as they stay in the Vortron, they can’t age and they can’t die. Now, if they leave the Vortron, that’s another thing altogether. The only exception to this?

“But, Ockie killed that other Kippa in the Vortron! What about that?”

They’re both from the same world. Beings from the same world within the Vortron can act in the same manner, it’s just that, well, both of them can’t die. However, one can kill the other, or in Ockie’s case, can feast on the other. However, this has to take place relatively soon, as both Ockie and the other Kippa were still connected to their homeworld. The longer they are in the Vortron, the further they disconnect away from the vortron.

“But you just said. . .”

The rules between Sentient and non-sentient beings differ. Especially when a Guardian is involved. Ockie wouldn’t be able to travel to the Vortron on his own. A sentient being, however, with complex thoughts and imagination, has the ability to create worlds, thus once they leave their homeworld, they leave it. Unless of course, they arrived by accident and the Vortron boots them off of its realm.

A note about worlds being visited. There haven’t been infinite amounts of Keepers, in fact, there have been relatively few. There haven’t been swarms of Visitors either, most people when wandering to different worlds take another mode of travel. However, when each individual travels through the Vortron, the world and reality in which they came is a bit more easily accessed. As is the World and Reality they visit. Such as the case with the Keeper. Every world the keeper visits makes it that much easier to visit it again. However, with the Keeper, it is also easy to return to the Vortron.

The Vortron, being the entity that it is, can never leave it’s realm. However it sees everything that transpires so why would it need to?

Didn’t I say that at times this would get confusing?

The Keeper of The Vortron

For purposes regarding this subject, I will refer to Creature as the Keeper, even though Snow is a Keeper as well. Much of this topic contains Spoilers, just to let you know. Spoilers are noted, and you will not get to see them. Sorry.

As mentioned previously, The Guardian follows a different set of rules then any Travelers would. It is very important to remember this fact. There is also a limit in what worlds the Guardian, in this case Creature, can visit.

Item one, Creature nor his Companion Splash (whose role I will also go into at a further date, just know that Splash is a perfect Companion) can visit the past of their homeworld up to the moment they entered it as Guardian and Companion, though they can visit the moment after they entered the Vortron onward following the Reality in which they entered it.

Item two: They cannot enter a reality in which they exist. Period. It is not that they won’t take the form of themselves, it’s just that, well, they can’t take the appearance of themselves. They just can’t go to a world where they exist. Hence, their past is guarded from them, as is every reality in which they exist. Lovely.

Item Three: Creature and Splash don’t create new realities. Hence why they can’t visit their past. When they enter a world, that reality in which they enter will continue on its present course instead of branching off like before, except for, well, they are in it.

Item Four: No new realities are created when Creature and Splash are in that existing world. Why? Because each new reality would lead to subsequent realities and henceforth each would carry both Creature and Splash. However, there can only be one Keeper. As long as Creature is Keeper, there can only be one of him. Unlike a visitor, who can spread off into infinite different people. That just means no new realities while Creature is on the world. Which means fate somewhat steps in. This dilemma is scene largely in Todd’s Reality.

Because I am a nice and thoughtful person, I have illustrated this, as this is the same diagram that Todd illustrated. (#1) is a reality, any reality that Creature and Splash happen to visit. (#2) is the various realities branching off into various different directions as they are prone to do. (#3) is the point in which Creature and Splash enter this reality. (#4) is the period of time in which they exist in this reality, as you can see, there are no lines branching off. (#5) is when they leave, and as such, realities begin to merge once again. The question comes up, what is going on with Todd’s Reality? How can they visit him in his past? I will get to that, just not right now.

Item Five: Creature and Splash always visit every reality as themselves. Unlike Visitors, who can take on appearances of other people and often times find themselves becoming that person, Creature and Splash just can’t. They are always them.

Item Six: Creature and Splash don’t acquire any new abilities. They can just discover abilities that they already have. Being attached to the Vortron in the way that they are, they don’t need to acquire any new abilities anyway, they got plenty on hand. Going into these abilities and discovering them is largely what this comic is about.

Item Seven: what makes a Keeper? Not everyone can be a Keeper, and attaining the position is somewhat tricky. Since this is largely what the comic is about, this Question is to remain rather vague and unanswered.

Item Eight: The Guardian is Immortal. To an extent. The only place where he loses his immortality is on his homeworld. He also would lose his immortality if he happened to get kicked out of his position, which would require him to do an act that would get him kicked out of his position, but then again, that would open up a whole new can of worms. The third cause for losing ones immortality is to blend in. Which would require Creature to take on a form that is not native to him.

The Trick with the Companion

The role of the companion is actually not entirely necessary. Usually, however, the presence of a Companion often keeps the Keeper in his place a lot easier. The Companion shares a duel role with the Keeper in that she too, is a guardian as well. However, a good Companion does not make a good Keeper, as it is the same with the other way around. A note about the Companion though.

In order for the Guardian to leave the Vortron, he must be in agreement with his Companion. Sometimes he can over ride her, but that makes leaving that much more difficult.

The Companion is linked to the Guardian though, it is not the other way around. As such, Splash derives her powers from Creature, regardless of how powerful she was before she took the role of Companion (and Splash was pretty damn powerful!)

For the time being, this essay ends here. I spent a while writing it and now my brain is fried. If I left any questions hanging, and you are rather interested in where I took this whole issue, feel free to Email me and tell me what you thought.

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